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Kim D. in WI

Hi! Welcome to the McDonald's Playland Mommy-Climber Club! :)

Also, I too love The Well-Trained Mind. It is a classic and Story of the World, especially, was our favorite part of our homeschooling. I have all her stuff if you ever want to 'talk' more about it.

Right there w/you regarding the exercise--I know I should, I know it will make me feel better, but so often I still don't do it! How I wish I were one of those triathlete maniacs!! :)

Also--have you seen this article: http://femininityrevisited.blogspot.com/2010/06/to-stay-at-home-wives-and-mothers.html
It's my favorite one of the week, for sure!!

Have a good week!


The Well Trained Mind is one of my favorite homeschooling books. I also really like the forums that the authors run for reviews of curricula. If you are wondering about any book/program, someone over there has probably tried it.


I love The Well Trained Mind! What a great reference!



I have no recipes for you, or advice on projects, or cobbler.

However, I did have to crawl up to the top of the playland when I was eight months pregnant to get my boy. While a bunch of construction workers looked on. They did offer to go get him for me. I provided them a good laugh.

I agree with you on the working out thing. I work out at 5:00am so I can keep my cool all day long.
Good for you for homeschooling your girls.

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