Quick Takes is hosted by Jen at the Conversion Diary
1. This week has been a better week than last week for me. I thank God for helping me to see the humor in the world around me. For example, yesterday... in the morning we went to the aquarium and afterwards to Mc Donald's with my friend and her three children. This particular Mc Donald's has a large outdoor play set consists of brightly long tubes and boxes for the kids to crawl through and slide down. Well, don't you know, Bumblebee had a "potty accident" while she was up on the topmost box of the structure. She was upset with herself and started crying. She was hysterical and would not come down. First, I tried to have one of the older children help her down, and then I tried talking to her down. After about ten minutes, I crawled into the jungle gym and carried her down myself. When we finally came out my friend repressed a laugh and offered to keep Ladybug while I took Bumblebee home. I owe you again, Kathy! 2. This week in swimming lessons, Ladybug started to actually swim freestyle for about three strokes at a time. At five years old, she is a petite person at 35 lbs, and she looks so small in the enormous pool at our rec center. When she reached the edge, she looked up and searched the crowd of Mommies for me. I waved at her and blew her kisses. She was so proud of herself and I am too. 3. No rain all month, and then last night, rain, flash flooding, tornado warnings, thunder, and over 6,000 lightning strikes. Crazy weather! 4. I have read several home schooling books this summer, but to be completely honest, many of them seemed too extreme to me. However, I have really enjoyed a book I ordered second-hand off of Half.com. The book is entitled The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer & Jessie Wise. Although we have already started, this fall will be the official start of home schooling for my kindergartener. Amy over at Missional Mom just wrote a great post about home schooling in which she also referenced this book. Go check her out, she has a lot of great ideas! 5. This month I have been a slacker in the exercise department, but this week I have managed to exercise every day. I feel so much better physically, and emotionally when I do exercise, why do I fall off the wagon? 6. Does anyone have a good peach cobbler or crisp recipe? We are having family over for dinner this weekend, and with peaches in season, I thought that would be a good dessert with vanilla ice cream. After that, I will definitely have to exercise! 7. Does anyone have insight into completing special project around the house with kids? I really would like to sew a roman shade for the girls' room and some new window treatments for our bedroom. Does anyone have strategies? Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated. Thanks!
Hi! Welcome to the McDonald's Playland Mommy-Climber Club! :)
Also, I too love The Well-Trained Mind. It is a classic and Story of the World, especially, was our favorite part of our homeschooling. I have all her stuff if you ever want to 'talk' more about it.
Right there w/you regarding the exercise--I know I should, I know it will make me feel better, but so often I still don't do it! How I wish I were one of those triathlete maniacs!! :)
Also--have you seen this article: http://femininityrevisited.blogspot.com/2010/06/to-stay-at-home-wives-and-mothers.html
It's my favorite one of the week, for sure!!
Have a good week!
Posted by: Kim D. in WI | 07/29/2010 at 08:00 PM
The Well Trained Mind is one of my favorite homeschooling books. I also really like the forums that the authors run for reviews of curricula. If you are wondering about any book/program, someone over there has probably tried it.
Posted by: Jordana | 07/29/2010 at 08:00 PM
I love The Well Trained Mind! What a great reference!
Posted by: Ashley | 07/29/2010 at 08:00 PM
I have no recipes for you, or advice on projects, or cobbler.
However, I did have to crawl up to the top of the playland when I was eight months pregnant to get my boy. While a bunch of construction workers looked on. They did offer to go get him for me. I provided them a good laugh.
I agree with you on the working out thing. I work out at 5:00am so I can keep my cool all day long.
Good for you for homeschooling your girls.
Posted by: tricia | 08/02/2010 at 08:00 PM