1. CONGRATULATIONS!! I am very proud of my sister, Anne Marie, who has been honored with the Presidental Award for Excellence in Teaching Science. This very prestigious award is given to top teachers for achievements in science and math, my sister won in the science category for the state of California. The ceremony was Wednesday, and I was able to drive up there and be present at the awards ceremony along with a colleague and former student of hers.
2. It was great to see my sister, although it was a whirlwind trip since her week in Washington was highly scheduled. However, we caught up with a lovely celebratory dinner on Wednesday and I enjoyed getting to know her friends. Thursday morning she left early for Capitol Hill, and I was able to take my time with drinking coffee and reading, exercising, and then have a nice omelet. Not a bad morning for me!
3. During my recent car trip, I listened to Louisa May Alcott's Little Woman. I am ashamed to say it is the first time I read it! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I looking forward to listening to the rest of it when I clean my house today after school.
4. Upon arrival home, I received a hero's welcome from my two little girls. This is the first time since I stopped working a year ago that I have been away from them for the night. They made me two beautiful cards. My husband had dinner ready, and I read some more Little House in the Big Woods to the girls. Rick and the girls had a great time, they were very good, but he said, "They sure ask a lot of questions, don't they?" "Yes, they do." I said, thought of my quiet morning.
5. I finally received The Outlander by DianaGabaldon from the library this week. I had placed it on hold, but it is such a popular book, I had wait. I started it last night, and am looking forward to reading it over the weekend.
6. Four more weeks of school until summer break. We will be busy with eight weeks of swim lessons, aquarium and zoo visits, and lots and lots of reading.What are your summer plans?
7. For more Quick Takes, please check out Jennifer at the Conversion Diary. Have a great weekend!
Oh man. Little Women is one story I really dislike because of the ending. I'll never get over... well, we'll talk about it AFTER you finish it. But my best friend loves it, and I hope you do too!! Happy Friday, Mary!
Posted by: Julie @ The Corner With A View | 05/20/2011 at 10:52 AM
Mary, I've read the Outlander series at least ten times. I absolutely love it. If you like it half as much as I do, you'll want the next book immediately - I have all and I'll be happy to loan them to you.
Posted by: Carmen | 05/23/2011 at 09:08 AM
Thanks Carmen, I think I will take you up on the offer. I am really enjoying the book. I reminds me of a series of historic fiction I read when I was young. Each book was about a different young girl who helped historical characters, one helped Shakespeare, other Bonnie Prince Charlie. I wish I could remember the author and titles. Unfortunatley I read them when my mother was very sick and I guess out of survual, I do not remember that period of my life very well.
Posted by: Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith | 05/24/2011 at 06:44 AM