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Julie @ The Corner With A View

Oh man. Little Women is one story I really dislike because of the ending. I'll never get over... well, we'll talk about it AFTER you finish it. But my best friend loves it, and I hope you do too!! Happy Friday, Mary!


Mary, I've read the Outlander series at least ten times. I absolutely love it. If you like it half as much as I do, you'll want the next book immediately - I have all and I'll be happy to loan them to you.

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Thanks Carmen, I think I will take you up on the offer. I am really enjoying the book. I reminds me of a series of historic fiction I read when I was young. Each book was about a different young girl who helped historical characters, one helped Shakespeare, other Bonnie Prince Charlie. I wish I could remember the author and titles. Unfortunatley I read them when my mother was very sick and I guess out of survual, I do not remember that period of my life very well.

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