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Oooh! Looks like they had so much fun! I can't WAIT until strawberries are ready up north. One more month, then I can watch my girls eat more then they save. : )


How adorable! Great memmories from strawberry picking with friends.
I even had strawberry dress for Maggie. Now I'm driving them from one friend to another. Enjoy those special times when you can.


You know you can buy strawberries right? You don't have to pick them.
I am not going to get mom of the year. Never took the boys strawberry picking.
Love the photos!
I will be enjoying Bozena's fabulous coffee in just 14 days.
I can't wait!!!!
Enjoy those baby girls this weekend.

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

I am jealous! Have a great trip!


oh how I love going picking but the boys are so not into the bugs. LOL I think it was this time last year I found you first. :)


Loved this! To always have a camera, keep a small one in your purse. You always grab that to go anywhere. Then if you forget the "good" camera, you have one.

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Great suggestion!

Peace be with you,

Join me @ A Simple Twist of Faith

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