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I am glad that God's plan worked out for two little girls who are far better off for having you and Rick as their parents!


Today's been a rough day for me. I teared up when I read this: " A woman too weary for articulate prayer will find that for her the best of all prayer is the unspoken act of faith in Christ in her children."

Thanks for sharing.

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Those words were comforting to me too, Bridget. I am glad to hear they helped you too.

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Thank you for your kind words. They are proof that God answers prayers!


I love you Mary! You are an inspiration to me...you always were, but even more so today!

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

I love you too Steph, your sunny disposotion and can-do spirit has always been an inspiration to me. I am proud to call you my friend for over 30 years now.

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