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Your reaction to the earthquake sounds like mine when we had a 5.0 one last year...a dump truck was driving by, and I thought the rumble was from the truck. I hope you stay safe with Irene coming.

Sharon O

Stay safe and let us all know next week how you all are. It could be just a big scare but it also does look scary...if it really comes to shore.


Timothy loved the Magic Treehouse books. We have a lot of them that he has outgrown if you would like to have them. Just let me know. Stay safe!


That is great about Ladybug's reading!!! I will be praying for you for sure! Try and protect your cars from potential falling trees. :0)

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Ha-ha Stephanie! Remember my old Taurus, two window shields in two months. Fortunately, we cleaned the garage at the eginning of the summer so I can actaully park my van in it.

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Thank you Pam,
I may take you up on that offer! Please be safe this weekend, my friend.


comiing to check in and see that you are all safe and sound? ish? It's now Saturday the 27th though so I'm going to have to check other online places? hoping you didn't lose power, or trees or cars to trees or internet? :)

Julie Robison

Feeling at peace over decisions are the best. I'm approaching some big ones myself... :)

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