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I have the same struggles. When I get stressed out, I hold my kids and tell them that I love them. It helps me to remain focused and it calms me down. Holding my children and spending a few quiet moments with them reminds me of my mission.....to bring them to God. It is my mission and my responsibility. I was afraid to home school because I thought I couldn't do it, but as time went on I felt God was leading me to it. I trusted Him and gave it a go. He has given me the grace to do it. I still struggle, but when I remember the reason, I become calm and focused. We can do anything with His help!!!

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Great advice, Stephanie. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, my friend.


I get more calm out of a day that is less scheduled. I find a ridged schedule leaves me feeling too restrained and no movement for the whatifs that pop up in my day to day.

Sharon O

Great thought provoking post. Thank you

Julie Robison

I was just thinking about how much I have to do; I went to daily Mass today, thinking it would be short, and it was done 2 hours later. Totally worth it. God helps us re-focus our commitments; because if we can't even move our day around for Him, what else matters so much?


I did a bible study last spring called "When Wallflowers Dance" and it really hit on this. I think you'd like it.

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