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Sharon O

wow I love this story and the way you shared it was so hopeful and encouraging, I will be praying for you. Good job.


Amazing to hear of so many changes.

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Life is all about change, I am wondering whatGod has in store for me next.

Peace be with you,

Join me @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Sharon, Thank you for your positive and encouraging words. I appreciate your friendship.

Peace be with you,

Join me @ A Simple Twist of Faith



As always I am so touched by your stories. I envy your strength in faith and wish so much I had a fraction of your faith in my life. I struggle often with where I am...not belonging to prayer groups, church groups etc I just cant seem to find my "thing". I get so motivated in prayer when I read your blogs and I thank you for helping me (without even knowing) in my prayer life.

My prayer is for the Holy Spirit to bring peace into my heart and life and to allow me to feel that peace... a struggle that I pray will be easy to feel because I do know God has wonderous things for me.

Thank you again for sharing your story...

Headless Mom

That's great that you get to share your journey with a group that has meant so much to you. Thanks for filling in the gaps of the story!

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Sorry, I left you hanging! My four year old has decided to stop napping, which has really curtailed my on-line time.

Peace be with you,

Join me @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith

Thanks Dawn, I highly recommend the retreat I was just on to recharge your spiritual batteries!

Peace be with you,

Join me @ A Simple Twist of Faith

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