1. I know fall started with the Autumn Equinox in September, but I live in Tidewater Virginia. Around these parts, November begins our Fall weather, and I am ready for it. I welcome the cooler weather, although Rick does not. I think one day we may end up in Florida if he has his way. As for me, I really like living in Virginia. I enjoy Colonial Williamsburg at Christmastime, I love strawberrying picking with my girls in the spring, and I even tolerate the summers as long as we can go to the beach and swim. One thing I cannot abide is the swarm of mosquitoes we have had this year, and thankfully with this cold snap, they are dead! The girls and their friends can finally play in our backyard without getting eaten alive.
2. Speaking of cooler weather, Kyooty posted a chili recipe I am going to make this weekend. I am pairing it with beer and cornbread, a winning combination in my book.
3. What are your plans for the weekend? I hope to steal away a couple of hours, and write a few posts about faith. I also am in the mood something with pumpkin in it, if you have any good recipes, please share them with me. I would like to try something different.