Bumblebee and I have been busy in the kitchen again. Today, we baked a birthday cake for one of our friend, Surfer Girl. We're no professionals, but we were proud of our results. More importantly, Surfer Girl really enjoyed it.
Bumblebee and I have been busy in the kitchen again. Today, we baked a birthday cake for one of our friend, Surfer Girl. We're no professionals, but we were proud of our results. More importantly, Surfer Girl really enjoyed it.
Posted at 11:02 PM in Food and Drink, Friends | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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Some people have junk drawers, some people have junk closets, some people, like my friend, Bridget jokes, have junk tables. But I have a secret weapon in the war against clutter, it's called the guest room. When people come over, I just throw all my junk into it and lock the door.
This week I cleaned it out, we will see how long this lasts. At least, I took pictures so I can remember how it looked.
and After:
Posted at 09:33 PM in Friends, Simplify | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
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This week, my husband took a week off of work, and we had STAYCATION vacation.
Here are my daughters' top picks of the week:
Riding the Waves at the Oceanfront. As my six year old put it, "It's what I do for a living...ride the waves!"
Posted at 07:16 AM in 7 Quick Takes, Family, Friends | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
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After a five week hiatus, I am back with 7 Quick Takes Friday hosted by the amazing Jennifer Fulwiler at the Conversion Diary. For more Quick Takes, check her out!
It's been a long cool February and March, but spring is finally here in Tidewater Virginia. This week I am thankful for:
The Return of Good Health
No more colds, sinus infections, strep throats around here! With the pine pollen everywhere, allergies abound, but I finally found a medication my Ladybug can take that works! We are all sleeping better,and feeling better!
The Weather
This past week the weather has been lovely and we are enjoying istening to the robins, counting the cardinal and blue jays, and playing in the backyard. Hurrah for spring!
Home Schooling
Ladybug started her first grade Math book on Monday she is enjoying the challenge. I an enjoying the more independent work, and am able to work more with Bumblebee on her letters and numbers. Bumblebee is loving the extra attention, and is now able to identify many more of her upper and lower case letters.
The Gospel of John & My Bible Study Group
For the past 13 weeks, my Bible Study Group has been reading the Gospel of John. During the past four weeks, the chapters we have read correspond directly with the upcoming Sunday gospel readings. First, it was the Women at the Well, en the Blind Man, then Jesus Raising Lazarus from the dead. Yesterday's lesson, Chapter 12, and Jesus' procession into Jerusalem. Next week, when we meet on Holy Thursday, we will be discussing Chapter 13, Jesus washing the feet of his disciplines.
Unfortunately, due to illness, I was unable to be as active as I was in the fall, however I was able to hold a prayful vigil for four of the Fridays. Standing in front of the Planned Parenthood on a busy street during rush hour traffic is a humbling, and vulnerable experience. As I write this 404 babies have been saved nationwide in this campaign which spans March 9-April 17. Thank you all for your participation with prayers, fasting and alms giving.
The Generosity of Others
I thank everyone who helped make Ladybug's birthday special. We had a wonderful time, and thoroughly appreciate generosity of all. I thank Stephanie for the box of beautiful spring clothes you send just in time of the warm weather.
Project Simplify & 40 Bags in 40 Days
For the past five weeks I participated in Project Simplify hosted by Tsh at Simple Mom. Part of my Lenten journey, was to do some old fashion spring cleaning and it really helped clear out my mind.
I am donating my abundance to the Salvation Army and to my new niece as part of 40 Bags in 40 Days. I only got up to 13 bags, but I am still working on it. Slow but steady wins the race, and that has been the story of my life.
Posted at 07:20 AM in Faith, Family, Friends, Home School | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
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1. My husband's friend, send him a present in the mail this week, a CD by John Michael Talbot. Thirty years ago, they used to listen to it when they were in a Baptist youth group. Now, as a convert to Catholicism, the album has an even more special meaning to my husband because the songs are from the Liturgy of the Mass.
Posted at 08:02 AM in Adoption, Books, Faith, Friends, Home School | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
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Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has yet to come, trust in the Lord, and live for today; I recently wrote as a comment on my friend, Bridget's blog, The Ivey League. If only I could follow this advice myself, I added. Often times, I struggle with letting things go, and relaxing. I let the anxieties of life crowd my mind, and leave no room for fun.
As a home schooling Mom, I worry that my kindergartner is not keeping up with her parochial school counterparts, so I push her. On Monday, we had instruction even though it was a school holiday. We learned about Martin Luther King, and watched an excerpt of his "I Had a Dream" speech on you tube, along with our usual Catechism, Math, Science, and Language Art curriculum.
At the beginning of the year, I choose the word BALANCE for 2011. I realize I must place a balance between work and fun. I also need to be trully present to my husband, and my children, and not being distracted by my mental "to do" list. One thing I am trying to do is to enjoy the moment.
Last night was such a moment. It was the chili cook-off at the Knights of Columbus hall. Nothing fancy, it was a simple, family event. However, it was one of wonderful evenings when everyone was having fun. There was no fighting, no crying, and no misbehaving. So, we ended up closing the place down, and the girls went to bed at 10:00 pm, an unheard bedtime for children in our house. Today, we all with the exception of Daddy, woke up late. As I write this at 9:30 am, we are still in our pajamas. Last semester, I would be freaking out. I would be pushing the girls to get dressed, to brush their teeth, and to start circle time. This semester, I am going to have another cup of coffee...
Posted at 09:50 AM in Family, Friends, Home School, Marriage, Simplify | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
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Thank you all for your birthday greetings, they made me feel very special and drove away my winter weariness!
I had a lovely day.
My husband arranged a good friend of ours to keep the girls and took me out to dinner. We went to Olive Garden for shrimp, salad and minestrone soup. (Thank you for the gift card, Bozena, it came in handy!)
After we returned home, he presented me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a homemade chocolate tart, a heartfelt card, and a bottle of bubbly.
Posted at 03:15 PM in Family, Food and Drink, Friends | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted at 12:00 AM in Adoption, Coping with change, Faith, Family, Friends, Money, Simplify | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted at 12:00 AM in Coping with change, Faith, Friends | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted at 12:00 AM in Faith, Family, Friends | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
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